In the first half of 2014 most of the medical data that is held by the practice will be extracted and sent to a central data store for the NHS at the Health and Social Care Information Service (HSCIC). This is not to be used as part of your care but will facilitate management of the health service and research by the NHS and other organisations such as universities of pharmaceutical companies.

Information will also be sent from any hospital treatment that you may have and, later on in the programme, information from mental health services and social services will be included. The Whalebridge Practice is required by law to send this information although you, as an individual patient, can opt out.

Information about medical diagnoses, prescribed drugs and test results will be some of the information uploaded. Your NHS number, date of birth and postcode will also be included but not your name or full address.

You can object to the information being uploaded from the practice. This will only apply to information in the practice and not information from other sources. A second opt out is available if you wish to prevent information which may identify you from leaving the HSCIC and going to other organisations.

This is separate to the Summary Care Record which you may have heard about previously. The SCR is designed to improve your care. You may have sent in a form opting out of this in the past. Unfortunately the Department of Health has stated that that opt out will not apply to this new project and a further opt out is required.

You should have had a leaflet through your door from the NHS with some information about the project. Further information is available at the official NHS site or an excellent and more detailed summary is available from Dr Neil Bhatia, an NHS GP, at his page.

If you wish to opt out of this programme please use the opt out form which you can download as a PDF or word processor file. Just send the form to the practice or drop it in at reception and we will record your wishes on your computer record.

Opening hours

Open 8am to 6.30pm

Appointments from 8am

Telephone 01793 692933

In emergencies at evenings or weekends please callĀ 111

Repeat prescription requests and record access available on the NHS App.

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